This documentation is applicable for customers who want use our public API on own applications.
Register and Get the API key, or purchase the suitable plan here.
You need include the files below to work properly. Our javascript plugin have jQuery dependency, if you already use the jQuery on your website, ignore the line of loading of jQuery framework.
Simple example of map initialization.
new ABOSM("osm-map", {
center: [4.669728,52.248624],
zoom: 10
Simple example of drawing polyline on map.
new ABOSM("osm-map", {
center: [52.248624, 4.669728],
zoom: 10
}).ready(function (inst) {
var point_a = [52.248624, 4.669728], point_b = [52.338871, 4.825088];
var line = inst.polyline(point_a, point_b, {color: '#85a9dd', weight: 4});
var dashed_line = inst.polyline([52.287063,4.753504], [52.293782,4.857877], {
color: '#b700ea',
weight: 4,
dashLength: 10,
textOptions: {
text: 'dashed example!'
var circle =, {
unique: 'mycircle',
color: 'red',
fillColor: '#f03',
fillOpacity: 0.5,
radius: 500
var rectangle = inst.rectangle([[52.338871, 4.825088], [52.308871, 4.805088]], {
unique: 'myrectangle',
weight: 1,
color: 'blue',
fillColor: '#0004ff',
fillOpacity: 0.5
var polygon = inst.polygon([[52.311627, 4.684182], [52.303231, 4.678341], [52.297562, 4.695176], [52.312887, 4.703077], [52.311627, 4.684182]], {
unique: 'mypolygon',
weight: 1,
color: 'yellow',
fillColor: '#fcb601',
fillOpacity: 0.3
// create the group
var group = new L.featureGroup([line, dashed_line, circle, rectangle, polygon]);
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This example show how to draw encoded polyline on map.
new ABOSM("osm-map", {
center: [52.248624, 4.669728],
zoom: 10
var point_a = [52.248624, 4.669728],
point_b = [52.338871, 4.825088],
arr = [point_a, point_b];
encoded = ABOSMUtils.encodePath(arr);
var line = inst.polylineEncoded(encoded);
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This example show how to draw encoded polyline on map.
You can use this to draw a line using the output of a routing API
new ABOSM("osm-map", {
center: [52.248624, 4.669728],
zoom: 10
var encoded = '}lm~Hykm\\\\JvQBnEBlDBrADfLNbHPvDf@fGn@jFn@xDhAhFhA`EtB|F`ChFxDnH`GbLhDtG`BfDnBxDxEdJzC~GjDxJh@dBd@`Bx@`Df@tB^`BVtA`@~B`@nCZvBZ`C|@hIb@~Dz@|In@~Fd@fFrAfRdBlTnC|c@f@vH`@jEPbBl@dFT`BZrBj@lDt@nDfC~Jd@fBvAbEfApCdChGxAjCfE~GbCdDpB|BtArAjFvEhDvBbIpEdHzDtDfBzInDzDhBfExBxKfGtGhDjHdE~Av@xAx@pHfEbAt@xDbDhBhBnBzBfB~B|A~BfFhIzAdCvBnDdN|TdXjc@`AxAnB`DhTp]rAvBnDvFpK`Q~DpGfk@p~@fJbOfDhFlJhOr^rl@na@`p@d\\\\|h@hZhf@dCzDjFjItGlKxFbJdE`Hj\\\\vh@@';
var line = inst.polylineEncoded(encoded);
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new ABOSM("osm-map", {
center: [52.248624, 4.669728],
zoom: 10
var point_a = [52.248624, 4.669728], point_b = [52.338871, 4.825088];
// create line
var line = inst.polyline(point_a, point_b, { color: '#85a9dd', weight: 4 });
// create markers
var marker1 = inst.marker(point_a), marker2 = inst.marker(point_b);
// create the group
var group = new L.featureGroup([marker1, marker2, line]);
// fit bounds
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var point_a = [52.248624, 4.669728], point_b = [52.338871, 4.825088];
var UNIQUE_MARKER = 'mymarker', UNIQUE_CIRCLE = 'mycircle', UNIQUE_POLYLINE = 'mypolyline', UNIQUE_POLYLINE_ENCODED = 'mypolylineEncoded';
new ABOSM("osm-map", {
center: point_a,
zoom: 14
MAPTEST = inst;
function addMarker(){
MAPTEST.marker(point_a, { unique: UNIQUE_MARKER });
function removeMarker(){
function addCircle(){, {
color: 'red',
fillColor: '#f03',
fillOpacity: 0.5,
radius: 500
function removeCircle(){
function addPolyline(){
MAPTEST.polyline(point_a, point_b, { unique: UNIQUE_POLYLINE });
function removePolyline(){
function addPolylineEncoded(){
var arr = [point_a, point_b];
var encoded = ABOSMUtils.encodePath(arr);
MAPTEST.polylineEncoded(encoded, { unique: UNIQUE_POLYLINE_ENCODED });
function removePolylineEncoded(){
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Create the single marker on map.
new ABOSM("osm-map", {
center: [52.248624, 4.669728],
zoom: 10
var marker = inst.marker([40.641113, -8.654473]);
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Create the single marker on map.
new ABOSM("osm-map", {
center: [52.248624, 4.669728],
zoom: 10
var marker = inst.marker([40.641113, -8.654473]);
marker.attachPopup('Popup Content');
marker.attachPopup('<h3>Popup Content!</h3><p><strong>This</strong> is <span style="color:red">html</span> example</p>');
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new ABOSM("osm-map", {
center: [52.248624, 4.669728],
zoom: 10
marker = inst.iconMarker([40.641113, -8.654473], '../images/fromA.png', { iconSize: [35, 45], iconAnchor: [17, 45] });
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new ABOSM("osm-map", {
center: [52.248624, 4.669728],
zoom: 10
marker = inst.iconMarker([40.641113, -8.654473], '../images/fromA.png', { iconSize: [35, 45], iconAnchor: [17, 45], className: 'blinking' });
@keyframes fade {
from { opacity: 0.3; }
.blinking {
animation: fade 1s infinite alternate;
Save Example Page
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You need include the files below to work properly. Our javascript plugin have jQuery dependency, if you already use the jQuery on your website, ignore the line of loading of jQuery framework.
<script src=""></script> <!-- Any jQuery version v1.10.x or above -->
<script src="<your-api-key>"></script>
<div id="osm-map" />
$(function () {
new ABOSM("osm-map", {
center: [52.248624, 4.669728],
zoom: 10
var origin_latlng = [52.248624, 4.669728];
var destination_latlng = [52.338871, 4.825088];
var mkOrig = inst.iconMarker(origin_latlng, '/images/fromA.png', { iconSize: [35, 45], iconAnchor: [17, 45], addToMap: false });
mkOrig.attachPopup('START ROUTE!');
var mkDest = inst.iconMarker(destination_latlng, '/images/toB.png', { iconSize: [35, 45], iconAnchor: [17, 45] , addToMap: false });
mkDest.attachPopup('END ROUTE!');
inst.route( [ origin_latlng, destination_latlng], {
showItinerary: false,
originMarker: mkOrig,
destinationMarker: mkDest,
lineOptions: {
styles: [
{color: '#85a9dd', weight: 4 }
<iframe width="400" height="400" src=",4.8979750&destination=52.3791400,4.9002700"></iframe>
You can connect the autocomplete with map.
<div class="autocomplete-container">
<input id="ac" style="width:100%" type="text" autocomplete="off"/>
<div id="osm-map" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">
var _map_inst = null,
_marker = null;
new ABOSM("osm-map", {
center: [40.744190, -73.993200],
zoom: 10
}).ready(function (inst) {
_map_inst = inst;
$(function () {
$("#ac").abgeo().bind("abgeo:place_changed", function (event, result) {
_from_latlng = [, result.geometry.location.lng()];
if (_marker) {
_marker = _map_inst.marker(_from_latlng);
body {
font-family: Raleway, sans-serif;
.autocomplete-container {
width: 400px;
padding: 15px;
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85);
position: absolute;
left: 100px;
top: 20px;
z-index: 1000;
border: 1px solid #999999;
border-radius: 4px;
.autocomplete-container input {
padding: 5px 12px;
You need include the files below to work properly. Our javascript plugin have jQuery dependency, if you already use the jQuery on your website, ignore the line of loading of jQuery framework.
<script src=""></script> <!-- Any jQuery version v1.10.x or above -->
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" placeholder="Anywhere..." id="location" />
$(function () {
resultRenderLimit: 5
You can change the engine type of autocomplet. In this example, autocomplete use the combitrip server for processing as primary server, if the combitrip server doesn't return matching results, will use the google autocomplete api.
$(function () {
resultRenderLimit: 5,
You can use our autocomplete UI component for rendering the data from external source, and can be configured for any source.
Here, you have the example how to use the external source for getting the addresses with custom parameters and headers, also how to configure the geocoder.
showCurrentLoc: false,
api: '',
apiParams: {
mode: 'walking'
apiCustomHeaders: {
'api-custom-header': '1234'
mapSource: function (source) {
return [
display_name: 'Amsterdam, Netherlands',
country: 'Netherlands',
country_code: 'NL',
state: 'Amsterdam',
city: 'Amsterdam'
geocoder: {
api: '',
engine: 'custom',
apiCustomHeaders: {
'geocode-custom-header': 'value'
apiParams: {
geocode_param_1: 'value_1',
geocode_param_2: 'value_2'
customParser: function (data) {
return {parsed: 'value'};
Our autocomplete component is flexible and can be configured for your needs.
$(function () {
You can bind the change event:
$(function () {
$("#location").abgeo(<options>).bind("abgeo:place_changed", function(event, result) {
// code
Property | Type | Default | Description |
api | string | AC_ENGINE.COMBITRIP_SINGLE.API | Enpoint url for getting/searching the results. |
apiParams | object | {} | Override the default api parameters. |
apiCustomHeaders | object | {} | Override the default request headers. |
noResultText | string | "No results..." | Text for no results label. |
mapSource | function | undefined | Function for mapping the results from api request into valid format for autocomplete. Useful, when use the external source for getting data. |
searchDelay | integer | 250 | Delay for the start request on typing. |
showCurrentLoc | boolean | true | Show/Hide the option for current location in popup autocompelte. |
resultRenderLimit | integer | 8 | The number of results to parse into popup autocomplete. |
getDisplayText | function | internal | The function to return the display text for the result item. |
geocoder | object | The settings for geocoder | |
engine | string | AC_ENGINE.COMBITRIP_SINGLE.NAME | Engine for use in autocomplete. Check the engine types here. |
Property | Type | Default | Description |
api | string | AC_ENGINE.COMBITRIP_SINGLE.API | Endpoint url for geocode item. |
apiParams | object | {} | Override the default geocode api parameters. |
apiCustomHeaders | object | {} | Override the default geocode request headers. |
customParser | function | undefined | Custom function for parsing the result from response. |
onBeforeDetection | function | Event trigger on before detect the user location (when showCurrentLoc: true) | |
onAfterInit | function | Events trigger after the internal geocoder init | |
onError | function | Event trigger on error | |
onGeocoderSuccess | function | Event trigger on success | |
engine | string | AC_ENGINE.COMBITRIP_SINGLE.NAME | Engine for using in geocoder. Check the engine types here. |
Type | Description |
AC_ENGINE.COMBITRIP_SINGLE.NAME | Use the combitrip server for processing. |
AC_ENGINE.COMBITRIP_MULTIPLE.NAME | Use the combitrip server for processing as primary server, if the combitrip server doesn't return matching results, will use the google autocomplete api. Note: require google api key. |
AC_ENGINE.SINGLE.NAME | Use the google autocomplete api for processing. |
You can use the below tool to test the autocomplete functionality based on your preferences. Subsequently you can generate the code, custom made to your preferences, and use it for your own projects.
CombiTrip Autocomplete facilitates the Use of multiple Autocomplete API engines. You can use this functionality to add your own custom made autocomplete or provide a 3rd party autocomplete, which will be used in case when the combitrip autocomplete doesn’t give a match or is offline. It will then fully switch to the next autocomplete and use that autocomplete engine for the rest of the session. In the example below alt_1 engine is set to use the google autocomplete as an example, please enter your API key in the field and the code will be generated ready to use.
The Directions API is a service that calculates directions between locations.
var _origin, _destination, _mapInst;
function route(){
if (_origin && _destination){
var origin_latlng = [, _origin.lng()];
var destination_latlng = [, _destination.lng()];
var mkOrig = _mapInst.iconMarker(origin_latlng, '/images/fromA.png', {iconSize: [35, 45], iconAnchor: [17, 45], addToMap: false});
mkOrig.attachPopup('START ROUTE!');
var mkDest = _mapInst.iconMarker(destination_latlng, '/images/toB.png', {iconSize: [35, 45], iconAnchor: [17, 45], addToMap: false});
mkDest.attachPopup('END ROUTE!');
_mapInst.route([origin_latlng, destination_latlng], {
showItinerary: false,
originMarker: mkOrig,
destinationMarker: mkDest,
lineOptions: {
styles: [
{color: '#85a9dd', weight: 4}
showCurrentLoc: true
}).bind("abgeo:place_changed", function (event, result) {
_origin = result.geometry.location;
showCurrentLoc: true
}).bind("abgeo:place_changed", function (event, result) {
_destination = result.geometry.location;
new ABOSM("osm-map", {
center: [52.248624, 4.669728],
zoom: 10
}).ready(function (inst) {
_mapInst = inst;
You can use the directions api endpoint in your application.<api_key>&locs=<locations>&profile=<profile_type>
All parameters are required.
key | Required. Your api key. Check your api key here. |
locs | Required. Comma separated string of coordinates/locations. Example: 4.669728,52.248624;4.825088,52.338871 |
profile | Optional. The OSRM profile to use in requests. Default: driving |
"code": "Ok",
"routes": [
"geometry": "{x{}Hy`o[jg@t|@vDlY`HfMpN}[yHeLeN_B{U{ZyiIkxMosB{kAy^al@_Mcp@{TetCiOeg@eh@kdAyGi\\m@svB`FwbAwCgzATcI|Bv@U`N{IDq@wZxFrkBmDh[Kt}A",
"legs": [
"steps": [
"distance": 24466,
"duration": 1118.7,
"summary": "",
"weight": 1118.7
"distance": 24466,
"duration": 1118.7,
"weight_name": "routability",
"weight": 1118.7
"waypoints": [
"distance": 0,
"name": "",
"location": [
"distance": 0,
"name": "Nieuwe Haagseweg",
"location": [
Search for an address, business or place.
You can use our api endpoint in your applications.<session_token>&key==<api_key>&q=<query>
key | Required. Your api key. Check your api key here. |
sToken | Required. Session token. All our apis use the session technology, and the lifetime for each session is 3 minutes. Generate the guid in format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx |
q | Required. Your query string. |
country | Optional. Country code in ISO 3166 Alpha-2 format: "&country=nl" |
This API is used for creating and managing listings. It is organized around REST. The API endpoints were designed to be predictable and resource-oriented. This means a single resource or endpoint can and often does provide different functionality based on the HTTP verb used to access it. JSON must be used to send data to the API (except for GET and DELETE requests, which also accept URI parameters). JSON is returned in all responses from the API if there is content in the response.
DELETE /api/v1/listings/{LISTING_ID}
PUT /api/v1/listings/{LISTING_ID}
POST /api/v1/listings/{LISTING_ID}/pictures/add
DELETE /api/v1/listings/{LISTING_ID}/pictures/{PICTURE_ID}
PUT /api/v1/listings/{LISTING_ID}/pictures/{PICTURE_ID}/description
PUT /api/v1/listings/{LISTING_ID}/pictures/{PICTURE_ID}/primary
GET /api/v1/listings/{LISTING_ID}/calendar
POST /api/v1/listings/{LISTING_ID}/calendar
PUT /api/v1/listings/{LISTING_ID}/calendar/{CALENDAR_ID}
DELETE /api/v1/listings/{LISTING_ID}/calendar/{CALENDAR_ID}
GET /api/v1/listings/{LISTING_ID}/services
POST /api/v1/listings/{LISTING_ID}/services
Combitrip API is served over HTTPS and all requests must be authenticated. You authenticate to the Listing API V1 by providing your API key as part of each request in header. You can manage your private API keys from your account.
Get a listing of all of the accommodations/listings.
Successful requests will include a JSON object containing information about the list. The data property is a array of Listing Object
{ data: [< listing_object>, <listing_object>...], success: true }
Create a new listings.
The parameters should be sent as content type
{ "name":"My Example Listing", "listing_type_id":"1", "description":"My Example Listing Description Text", "latitude":"52.358828590091186", "longitude":"4.894411233590668", "street":"Street Example", "street_number":"1", "postalcode":"123456", "city":"ExampleCity", "state":"", "country_id":"156", "total_guests":"1", "total_beds":"1", "checkin_time_from":"16:00", "checkin_time_until":"18:00", "checkout_time_from":"10:00", "checkout_time_until":"12:00", "house_rules_ids[]":[ "1", "2" ], "amenity_ids[]":[ "4", "60", "99" ], "cancel_policy_id":"7", "spaces":[ { "space_type_id":"1", "space_description":"", "space_m2":"1", "private":0, "bedsize":"160x200", "bedtype":"1:0" }, { "space_type_id":"4", "space_description":"", "space_m2":"1", "private":0, "bedsize":"", "bedtype":null }, { "space_type_id":"5", "space_description":"", "space_m2":"1", "private":0, "bedsize":"", "bedtype":null } ] }
{ data: { listing_id: 1 }, success: true }
Update a listing's properties.
The parameters should be sent as content type
{ "description":"My Example Listing Description Text", "total_guests": 3 }
{ data: [], success: true }
Delete a listing. This is a destructive operation and cannot be undone.
{ data: [], success: true }
Add the picture to the listing.
The picture should be sent as file.
{ data: [], success: true }
Delete the picture from the listing.
{ data: [], success: true }
Update the description of picture.
description: "My Description"
{ data: [], success: true }
Make the picture as primary of listing.
Get the list of calendars.
Successful requests will include a JSON object containing information about the calendar. The
{ data: { regular: [<listing_calendar_object>, <listing_calendar_object>...] }, success: true }
Create the new calendar.
The parameters should be sent as content type
{ "period_from":"01-02-2021", "period_to":"28-02-2021", "basic_price":"61", "checkin_days":["1","2","3","4","5","6","7"], "min_nights":"1", "cleaning_fee":"20", "week_discount_percentage":"5", "month_discount_percentage":"10", "additional_price_per_guest":"15", "deposit":"25", "minimum_reservation_days":"1", "weekends_price":"61" }
{ data: null, success: true }
Update the calendar.
The parameters should be sent as content type
{ "basic_price":"65", "min_nights":"2", "cleaning_fee":"25", "weekends_price":"80" }
{ data: null, success: true }
Delete the calendar.
Get the list of services for listing.
Successful requests will include a JSON object containing information about the service. The
{ data: [<listing_service_object>, <listing_service_object>...], success: true }
Create the new service for listing.
The parameters should be sent as content type
{ "title":"My Example of service", "description":"My description for service", "plan_type":"1", "reserv_type":"1", "price":"15", "unit":"1", "ical_link":"", "reserv_email":"", "radius":"0", "latitude":"52.36469901960148", "longitude":"4.899902343750001" }
{ data: null, success: true }
Update the service for listing.
The parameters should be sent as content type
{ "title":"My Example of service #2", "price":"20" }
{ data: null, success: true }
Delete the service.
Property | Description | Required::Create | Required:Update | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
name | The title of listing | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
listing_type_id |
The type of listing
Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
description | The description of listing | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
street | The address street of listing | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
street_number | The address street number of listing | No Default: '' | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
postalcode | The postal code of address | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
city | The city of listing | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
state | The state of listing | No Default: '' | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
country_id | The country code ID | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
latitude | The latitude of listing | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
latitude | The longitude of listing | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
total_guests | Max guests | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
total_beds | Total beds | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
checkin_time_from | Check-in Time From | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
checkin_time_until | Check-in Time Until | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
checkout_time_from | Check-out Time From | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
checkout_time_until | Check-out Time Until | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
house_rules_ids | Array of house rules IDs | No Default: [] | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
amenity_ids | Array of amentity IDs | No Default: [] | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cancel_policy_id | The cancel policy ID | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
spaces | Array of Listing Space Object | No Default: [] | No |
Property | Description | Required::Create | Required:Update | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
space_type_id |
The space type
Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
space_description | The description of space | No Default: '' | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
space_m2 | The space size in m2 | No Default: '' | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
private | Is private | No Default: '' | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
bedsize | The bed size. Required when space_type_id is 1 - Bedroom | Yes* Default: '' | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
bedtype |
The bed type. Required when space_type_id is 1 - Bedroom
Yes* Default: '' | No |
Property | Description | Required::Create | Required:Update | ||||||||||||||||
period_from | The date when start the period. Format: DD-MM-YYYY | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||
period_to | The date when end the period. Format: DD-MM-YYYY | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||
basic_price | The basic/regular price for working days (MON - FRI) | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||
checkin_days |
Array of day ID's
Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||
min_nights | The min. nights | No Default: 1 | No | ||||||||||||||||
cleaning_fee | The cleanig fee | No Default: 0 | No | ||||||||||||||||
week_discount_percentage | The week discount in % | No Default: 0 | No | ||||||||||||||||
month_discount_percentage | The month discount in % | No Default: 0 | No | ||||||||||||||||
additional_price_per_guest | The additional price per guest. | No Default: 0 | No | ||||||||||||||||
deposit | Deposit amount. | No Default: 0 | No | ||||||||||||||||
minimum_reservation_days | The min. reservation days | No Default: 1 | No | ||||||||||||||||
weekends_price | The weekend price (SAT-SUN) | Yes | No |
Property | Description | Required::Create | Required:Update | ||||||||||||||||
title | Title of the service | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||
description | Description of the service | No Default: '' | No | ||||||||||||||||
plan_type |
The plan type ID.
Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||
reserv_type |
The reservation type ID.
Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||
price | The price of service | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||
unit |
The unit ID.
Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||
ical_link | The iCal link | No Default: '' | No | ||||||||||||||||
reserv_email | The email that will be used for reservations | Yes | No | ||||||||||||||||
radius |
The radius
Yes | No |